domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

Snes4Sym 0.44b: Suporte beta para os modos Hires. *REMAKE*

Mais uma atualização mas desta vez só de compatibilidade, com suporte a hires é possivel jogar mais jogos como o "Secret of mana".
*Após alternar entre os modo loRes e hiRes a rom deve ser recarregada ou o emulador trava.
*Desative o modo hiRes para melhor performance.
*Removida a opção de volume.
*Suporte a Tela cheia(ou quase).
*mostre ou esconda a taxa de frames usando a tecla F10


One more update but this time only for compatibility with support for hires is possible to play more games like "Secret of Mana ".
* After switching between the mode lores and hires the rom must be reloaded or the emulator hangs.

*Disable the HiRes mode for better performance use when need.
* Removed volume option.
*Full Stretch Support
*Show and Hide framerate pressing F10.

16 comentários:

  1. Wow it worked now tkx a lot really appreciate it and the audio works perfectly.

    I however still had a problem getting the 1-9 key's working as A B Y X ... but I found how to enable them had to click: num, ctrl, 1, f8, f1, ctrl to disable them again if you can't move in the snes4sym menu click num, ctrl, 1, f7, f1, ctrl

    However ingame I found a new bug in Secret of Mana using this emulator: in the start of the game our charachter is suppose to stand on a log with 2 other people who is bulling him anyway the log ain't visible and neither is most of 1 of the 2 other characters. When they run away the second other characters get visible when running out of the waterfall.

    By the way I think if you worked togheter with Summeli the 2 of you could make the very best Snes/GBA emulators for symbian he got a much nicer controll working but you got fully working audio:

  2. Hi,

    I'm also developing a snes-emualtor on top of Qt front end. my current emulator version is crashing with Audio on. I think that it would be interesting to get your source code, so I could check how the audio is implemented.

    Could you share your source code, please?-)

  3. @djgdrgdjk
    Just enable transparency and it will work perfect.
    My source is all messed but I'll release it soon, Just I'm without time for it.
    The audio code was written by Chui to work on top of sdl. I haven't made any change on it the Credits goes to Chui, Mertama and Anotherguest.

  4. it's not just about the audio code. It's probably more or less the source that I'm using. The ARM asm optimized emulator core is crashing in my emu. Maybe I should just use chui's emulator core libraries and my own UI :P

  5. Can you possiboly create a gamepad like the 1 Summeli got perhaps even 1 that's transparent and also allow us to link the button's to our hardware buttons?

    Love your emulator so far :)

  6. Thanks thought transparency was for Summeli hehe got a wierd name on google comments.

    Not sure how I created this nick hehe

    You were by the way correct transparency is what were missing for the game :) now all I can wish for is hardware keys.

  7. Sorry for the dupe posts Andre I have now updated my name :) from djgdrgdjk heheh.

  8. André!
    Como você viu, o summeli postou aí sobre o código. Se puder trabalhar com ele seria muito bom. Ele desenvolve emuladores para a plataforma Symbian, atualmente usando Qt. Acompanho o emulador de GBA dele há algum tempo.

    Se puder ajuda-lo, agradeceria! :P

  9. @Summeli

    I'm not using any special code, it's just the snes9x original source code with the SDL implementation from Chui.
    I've tested your antsnes lib and it works with sound but it doesn't sincronize with the sdl implementation (keeps looping) but works, so your Symbian implementation must have some error that cause the crash.

  10. @Andre

    That's pretty much the same that I see also. Usually the audio just doesn't render anything, and with some games it crashes.Maybe I should switch into some other snes lib.

  11. You can do what i did, I've tried many approaches but the best for me was to drop the whole source from Chui and how the assembler doesn't worked well I've made a rebuild with a fresh source from snes9x source without any modifications and it is working pretty good compiled with GCC4. I though on integrate the fresh source in your emulator but I'd need to change many things on it (rewrite a lot) and how I have not time for it. Good work to you ^^.

  12. The FPS i just not so good with the basic c-core stuff :( I would still like to keep the assembler optimized stuff in..

  13. buen trabajo esta increible gran trabajo sigue asi GRACIAS!!!!!!

  14. I cant use qwerty in my n97

  15. Doesnt work on N95 "feature not supported" error
