segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013

EmiNes v1.0 Avaliable on Nokia Store!

28 comentários:

  1. Thank you very much very happy, and when would be the development PSX

  2. it pleases and when an expiration date?

  3. Do you think you can make a N64 and NDS emulator(it will be great to play at least pokemon on it )? I know first you have to finish Genesis/sms emulator....and maybe you have other plans to...but maybe in the close future...would be posible?..I'm sure that the symbian comunite will really apreciate your work;)You did a great job with GBC emulator , NES emulator and SNES emulator ;) and the SEGA emulator looks very good ;)and...something else the gpSP (gameboy advanced emuylator) doesn't support the best games...maybe you should try develope one;)I know:))I'm asking to much:))but your work will be apricated for sure;)I hope you will just answer my question;)I'm very curious;)

    1. N64 are in plans but NDS as I've already commented is not possible, I do not have time to create a emulator, I can just port and adapt working emulators from others platforms to symbian and there´s not ANY working NDS emulator out there.

    2. there is neo geo neo neo geo cd neo geo pocket cps1 cps2 can you make any one of them in near future.i am waiting for n64 from a years please first make n64 beta version then any of your choice

  4. tem como você fazer emulador de n-gage 1.0 e 2.0 ?

    você pensa em algum dia ajudar no desenvolvimento ppsspp symbian ?

    1. Same as above with the plus that n-gage 1 is a whole cellphone and n-gage 2 is a set of libraries( easier to port than n-gage 1 but a lot of work)

    2. ppsspp has already someone working on the symbian version and while its slow donwt worth a try.

  5. mas depois que você termina os outros emuladores, você pode fazer o emulador de n-gage?

    1. if we had at least the sdk would be possible but it was not released to public.

  6. You could reduce the size of the D-Pad or make a third lower screen resolution than normal because my fingers get ahead of the game and hinder my gameplay.
    Thank you!

    Voce poderia diminuir o tamanho do D-Pad ou fazer uma terceira resolução de tela menor que a normal, pois meus dedos ficam na frente do game e atrapalham minha jogabilidade.

  7. Um controle menor pode tornar a jogabilidade pior para algumas pessoas pois fica mais dificil acertar o botao. Mas eu vou ver se tenho tempo de implementar um d-pad redimensionável.

    1. Muito obrigado pela resposta e um d-pad redimensionável ia ser sensacional!!!

  8. WOW! I can't wait to see a PSX and N64 emulator on Symbian. Awesome

  9. Still waiting For PSX Emulator..

  10. Hello Andrée! Whether tell will be on dendy of the button of a turbo?

  11. Parabéns André.
    Os melhores emuladores para symbian vc tem.
    Milhares de pessoas esperam emulador de PSX!
    Eu em especial por ser fã incondicional de Castlevanya SOTN e outros.
    Gostaria de saber como posso doar para o projeto PSX!

    Ísley C.B

  12. Hi Andre Please make Nintendo DS and Nintendo 64 Emulator for Nokia N8

  13. Hello which is next emulator for nokia n8. Will n64 or nds beta version be available this week.i know n8 can handle these emulator also psx

  14. Olá! No EmiSNES não é possível usar dois botões de ação ao mesmo tempo. por exemplo no Donkey Kong usar Y para correr e apertar o B para pular ao mesmo tempo. Teria como corrigir este probleminha?

    1. Ola, obrigado pelo feedback. Qual o seu aparelho?
      Eu testei no 701 e é possível pressionar o direcional + dois botões ao mesmo tempo mas no nokia 500 que só aceita dois toques só é possivel utilizar um botão e o direcional, nesse caso uma solução é colocar os dois botões bem próximos e pressionar os dois ao mesmo tempo.


      Hello, thanks for the feedback. What is your device?
      I tested on 701 and you can press the directional + two buttons at the same time but in nokia 500 which only accepts two touchs is only possible using the directional + one button, in this case a solution is to put the two buttons very close and press both same time.

    2. O meu aparelho é o N8.

  15. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    1. 1. Add please: original resolution display NES 256x239.
      2. Increase the sensitivity of the button is pressed.
      3. Diagonal movement sometimes does not work.
      4. A + B sometimes does not work (the intersection of A and B set).
      5. Make the lower volume levels to minimum.
      6. Can I add a game to the network? Kaillera client for 2-4 players.

      P.S. Nokia N8 Belle Refresh Original

      Thanks for everything!

    2. 1: ok.
      2: sensitivity is hardware dependant.
      3,5: I'll check it.
      4: I'll fix it next release.
      6: Maybe in the future.

  16. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
